Our Team

We are proud to have a team of dedicated professionals who are experts in their respective fields. They bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to provide the best care and support for our clients. Let us introduce you to our team members:

Dr. Sameer Gohir

PhD, MSc, PG Cert MSK ultrasound, PG Cert. Non-Medical Prescribing, MCSP, MAPPN

Mr Gohir has worked in the NHS and private sector and has over 20 years of experience. He specialises in Shoulder, knee, wrist, and ankle pain. He has also worked for an American hospital in the Middle East, thus gaining experience working in a multi-cultural environment.
Mr Gohir has more than five years experience of ultrasound scans and guided injections. Sameer is an independent prescriber. He is an honorary lecturer at Nottingham University and has shared his wisdom at international conferences such as ACR and EULAR. He has a passion for teaching and solving complex cases.

Muhammad Asim Ishaque

MSc, PG Cert MSK ultrasound, Dip. MSK Medicine, PG Cert. Non-Medical Prescribing, MCSP, MAPPN

Asim is an Advance Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, and has worked as MSK physiotherapist for over eighteen years in NHS and private sector.
He completed post graduate certificate Musculoskeletal Ultrasound from Canterbury Christ Church university with distinction. Asim is an Independent Prescriber and Injection therapist. He has special interest in joint and soft tissue injections and its integration into traditional musculoskeletal Physiotherapy interventions.

Dr Faisal Shaikh


Dr Faisal Shaikh is a specialist registrar in Sports and Exercise Medicine at the Oxford University Hospitals and an MSK and pain doctor at the Surrey Community MSK and Pain Clinic.
He completed his medical degree in 2007 and went on to do Core Surgical Training with an Orthopaedic theme where he developed experience in the Management of fractures and orthopaedic emergencies and achieved his MRCS from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He subsequently trained on the General Practice VTS scheme and qualified as a General Practitioner in 2014. He worked on several roles in General Practice, most recently and currently as a Consultant in Primary Care at the FirstCare Practice in London.
He was awarded the Arthritis Research UK ( now known as Versus Arthritis) bursary to complete a Post Graduate Diploma in MSK Medicine which he completed with the University of West Middlesex. Dr Shaikh has experience in dealing with a wide variety of Sports, Exercise, Musculoskeletal and Pain Medicine problems in various settings including pitchside care in football and rugby, community care/ general practice, intermediate MSK services, and secondary care /hospital settings. He is qualified in Musculoskeletal UltraSound and is a trustee of the society of Musculoskeletal Medicine.
Apart from work, he has travelled abroad to Africa and the Indian Subcontinent to provide relief medicine and charity projects. He is a proud father and enjoys studying comparative theology and linguistics.